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Class of 73 Reunion Zoom - 50 Years!!!

  • 4 Apr 2023
  • 7:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Members of the Class of '73.....

You are celebrating your 50th reunion year!! Congrats!!

And with this milestone, you have reached Complimentary status with the PBBSON Alumni Association.  Again, congratulations.

Hard to believe that you are celebrating your 50th graduation anniversary this year!!  Where has the time gone??  Your class will be featured in the Annual Newsletter (going out at the end of the August) and on Alumni Day (happening in-person on October 7). 

But to kick off this special year, the PBBSON Alumni Association would like to start by hosting a virtual Zoom reunion for your class on Tuesday, April 4th at 7 pm (Eastern Time).

From the comfort of your home, you can reconnect and catch up on the past 50 years. It would be great to see what you all have done since you left the Brigham!

We will send a Zoom link, closer to the date, and would appreciate it if you would respond if you are able to join in.  Simply click on the Yes, Maybe, or No buttons at the top of this email. It will open a new screen, just follow the steps and update your contact info for us, until you get to the confirm screen.  By RSVP'ing as No you will stop receiving reminders about this event.

We have heard that the following members of '73 will be on the Zoom

Janice Scott Linville
Judith Arnone Maji
Ann Lyn Riley Bach
Elizabeth Coute
Jill Starkey
Nancy Russell Auld
Pamela McMurtry Ryan
Priscilla Brown
Janice Imming-Rogers
Mary "Margie" Pearson Brown
Linda Sykes (may join by phone)
Cathy Anderson (is a maybe)

We are missing a few classmates and/or missing email addresses for them to let them know about this event..... does anyone have contact information on:

Michelle Chagnon Charles
Kathlyn McKinley Eydenberg
Karen Fitzgerald
Marie Larrow Greene
Mary Ellen Albert Holt
Elaine Plummer Kwasnik
Sally Matheson
Mary Ellen McCallum
Madonna Nichols
Kathleen Vermillion
Kathering Bliven Ziegelmayer

We will send an email out on Monday
with a ZOOM link for Tuesday's call!

I hope this finds you well, and I look forward to seeing you,

Deb (Rose) Amato '77
President PBBSON Alumni Association

Peter Bent Brigham School of Nursing Alumni Association.c/o Deborah Amato, 2 Drew Circle, Chelmsford, MA 01824

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